Transfer Project Product Structure to Maintenance


Perform this activity to transfer project product structure to IFS Maintenance. Only serialized project parts (items) and parts with tags are transferred. The parts' document references, spare part lists and functions can be transferred if desired.

Important Terms:

Separator: The separator is set when installing the system. It can be overridden by setting the parameter OBJ_LEVEL_SEPARATOR in Application Services, but this is not recommended.

Functions/Systems: Functions in IFS/Project Delivery are the same as systems in IFS Maintenance. A project function is created as a functional object (also called a system object) in IFS Maintenance. There will be connections created between the system object and serial objects and/or functional objects.

Tag: An address in the project product structure. As the product is maintained, several parts can be used sequentially as replacements in a single tag position. The tag is used to contain additional information on the physical location of the part in the product. The tag number refers to a tag that contains this information. Project tags are defined in Project Product/Tag tab. Project items with tags are created as functional objects in IFS Maintenance.


System Effects

The delivery project’s serialized parts and parts with tags are transferred to IFS Maintenance. If specified, the document references, spare part lists and functions are also transferred.

Rules for Transfer of Parts in the Assembly Structure

Naming Conventions

In Object Property, the INHERIT_OBJECT_ID controls how the object name is built. If set to TRUE, the object ID will be as described below, but prefixed with the part's parents' object ID. When set to FALSE, the object ID will be exactly as described below.

Serial with TAG: A serial part with tag is created both as a functional object and as a serial object in Equipment.

Part with TAG: Parts with tags are created as a functional objects in Equipment. The part number is added as an attribute for the functional object in Equipment.

Serial without TAG: A serial part without tag is created as a serial in Equipment.

Part without TAG: Parts without tag are not transferred.

Transfer of Spare Parts

If the spare part check box is checked and all the spare parts are purchase parts, the part's spare part list is transferred to IFS Maintenance. If any spare part is not registered as an inventory part, the transfer will be aborted. You must uncheck the spare part check box to be able to transfer the structure and functions without the spare parts. You can see which spare parts are not inventory parts in Project Product Info. On the Spare Parts tab, there are the columns Order Type and Inventory Part. If the spare part does not have the value Purchased in the Order Type column, the part is not an inventory part. This can be changed in IFS/Inventory. It is not possible to transfer the spare parts separately on a later occasion.

Document references

If the Document’s check box is checked, the part's document references will be transferred to IFS Maintenance.

Rules for Transfer of Functions and Connections

When all objects in the assembly structure are transferred, the functions can be transferred. The following actions take place:

  1. The selected project functions in the dialog box are transferred and created as functional objects in Equipment with the parent object ID (i.e., the top level object in IFS Maintenance) as parent.
  2. The project function is connected to the transferred objects. One new connection is created in Equipment for each part that is connected to the project function in IFS/Project Delivery. If a project function is connected to a serial part with tag, the function should be connected to the functional object and not the serial object that is created in Equipment. The connection will be named the same as the project function.

Example – Structure in IFS/Project Delivery and in IFS Maintenance

The following figures illustrate the structure in IFS/Project Delivery, and the transferred structure in IFS Maintenance.

The parts with no tag or serial are not transferred. The functions are connected directly to the parent object with connections to the parts.

NOTE: Part B is created as two objects in IFS Maintenance – one functional object and one serial object. The functional object becomes the parent to the serial object.


Delivery Projects

Related Window Descriptions

Delivery Projects


  1. The parent object, i.e., the top-level structure (customer, plant, package, etc.), must be created as a functional object in IFS/Equipment.
  1. A top part must be connected to the project. This can be done by inserting a project item in Top Item No field in Delivery Projects window.
  1. Select the menu option Transfer To Maintenance.
  1. When you press the OK button, the system will check to determine if the given site and parent object ID exist in IFS Maintenance.