Unconfirm Payment Matched with Application


Once the payment matching with the application has been confirmed, an invoice is normally created. In some cases where an invoice has not been created, and it turns out that the matching is incorrect, it is possible to un-confirm the matching. However, as a general rule only cleared payments should be entered as payments on applications.

The payment matching can be unconfirmed in the Match Payment with Application window or the Application for Payment/Payment tab.

If an un-cleared payment is entered and then rejected, the payment should be rolled back as any payment is rolled back. See the window description for Customer Rollbacks for more information.

It is not possible to cancel an invoice after its been released (which is automatically done when creating an invoice from a confirmed payment-application matching). In cases where it is needed to undo the invoice, a credit note should be created instead. The application will not be affected by this and it will still be shown as paid on the application itself.


The invoice must not have been created. (If an invoice is created, the invoice must be credited before the payment can be unconfirmed).

System Effects


Match Payment with Application
Application for Payment/General

Related Window Descriptions

Match Payment with Application
Application for Payment/Payment.


1. Open the Match Payment with Application window, or open the Application for Payment window and click the Payment tab.
2. Select the application, right-click, and then click Unconfirm Payment.
3. Click OK.