Cancel Application


Use this activity to cancel an application. During the application creation, approval and submittal processes change to meet the application requirements. In such cases, you can cancel the application and create a new application based on an updated version of the contract terms and contents.

If the application to be canceled has been submitted to the customer, it is recommended to inform the customer that the application has been canceled, and that a new application will be created to replace the application that has already been submitted.

If the application is in the Approval in Progress or Approved status and you just want to modify the application, it is possible to cancel the Approval of Application function instead of canceling the application. This will change the application status back to Planned.

If the application is in the Planned status, it is possible to refresh the contract details instead of canceling the application. Once the application is canceled, no changes are allowed.


System Effects


Applications for Payment
Application for Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Applications for Payment
Application for Payment


  1. Select the application to be canceled, in either the Applications for Payment or Application for Payment window and right-click, then click Status and select Cancel.
  2. Make sure that the correct voucher date, user group, and voucher type is selected. Usually the default values will be the correct ones.
  3. Click OK to confirm.