Allocate Payment on Application Line Items


When confirming the payment on application, the allocated amount on an application will automatically be allocated on the items. The main reason for doing this is that an invoice must contain both the tax rates and the tax amount for each line on an invoice, for cases where the items have different tax rates. After allocating the amount paid to the items, it will be possible to create an invoice that contains all application line items grouped per tax rate as invoice lines, and the invoiced amount for each item will be the amount paid.

When confirming the payment matching, the paid amount on the application will automatically be distributed to the application line items. See the Confirm Payment Matching activity for details.


System Effects


Match Payment with Application

Related Window Descriptions

Match Payment with Application
Allocate Paid Amounts on Items


Automatic Item Allocation

  1. Open the Match Payment with Application window and query for the contract number.
  2. Right-click, and then click Automatic Item Allocation.

Manual Item Allocation

  1. Open the Match Payment with Application window and query for the contract number.
  2. Right-click, and then click Manual Item Allocation. The Allocate Paid Amounts on Items window opens.
  3. Enter the paid amount per item.
  4. Repeat until the paid amount is fully distributed on the items.
  5. Save the information.