Change Schedules and Rules Assigned to Employee


This activity is used to change the schedules and rules information linked to the employees. You can use two separate wizards to change this information. That is, a separate wizard can be used, based on whether you want to change the information for one employee or a group of employees.    

When you change the schedule information using the wizard, an employee's existing schedule assignment will automatically expire and a new assignment will be created. If IFS/Time and Attendance is installed, it is possible to define whether the changes should affect already registered transactions. When the option is used, registered transactions are regenerated and recalculated according to the information of the new schedules and rules.

Without using the wizards, you can also change the schedules and rules assignment of an employee, by replacing the existing schedules and rules information with a default setup defined in the Default Schedules and Rules window. The valid period of the schedule assignment will not be changed with this replacement.


System Effects


Employee Schedules and Rules
Change Employee Schedules and Rules

Default Schedules and Rules

Related Window Descriptions

Employee Schedules and Rules 
Change Employee Schedule and Rules (for one employee)
Change Employee Schedule and Rules (for a group of employees)

Default Schedules and Rules


To change employee schedules and rules information perform the following steps. 

  1. Open the Employee Files/Employment/Assignments/Schedules tab or the Employee Schedules and Rules window.
  2. Query or populate to find the employees for whom you want to change the schedules and rules information.

    To change employee schedules and rules information using default schedules and rules setups;
  3. Select the row with the schedule assignment that you want to change, right click and click Default Schedules and Rules to open the Default Schedules and Rules dialog box.
  4. The defined setups will be listed in this window. Select the default set-up that you want to assign to the employee and click OK.

    To change employee schedules and rules information for one employee;
  5. Select the row with the schedule assignment that you want to change, right click and click Change Employee Schedules and Rules to open the Change Employee Schedules and Rules dialog box.
    Note: The Change Employee Schedules and Rules dialog box can also be opened from the navigator.
  6. The ID and the name of the employee you selected will display in the respective fields.
  7. In the Valid From field, enter the date from which the schedule assignment change is required to be valid.
  8. The New Valid From field will display the date specified in the previous step.
  9. The New Valid To field will display the date on which the previous schedule information of employee was due to end. This field will be left blank if the date you specified in step 7 is later than the date on which the previous schedule assignment was due to end.
  10. In the Wage Class field, enter the new wage class.
  11. Change the schedule information as required by entering the relevant values in the respective field: employee's basic schedule, the shift information, work hour rule, increment schedule information etc.
  12. Click Finish to save the changes.

    To change employee schedules and rules information for more than one employee simultaneously;
  13. Select the rows with the schedule assignments that you want to change, right click and click Change Employee Schedules and Rules to open the Change Employee Schedules and Rules dialog box.
  14. In the Valid From field, enter the date from which the schedule assignment change is required to be valid for the selected employees.
  15. In the Wage Class field, enter the new wage class.
  16. As in steps 10 and 11, change the schedule information for the employees.
  17. Click Finish to save the changes.