Voucher Type

[To Define Financials Basics]


Use this window to enter, change, and view information about the voucher types your company uses. By selecting the appropriate value in the Single Function Group check box, you can link each voucher type to one or more function groups. Each voucher type has one voucher number series per year. You can connect the same voucher type to several function groups used when generating vouchers for payments and manual vouchers, e.g., function groups B, N, U, G, and M. User groups must be linked to the voucher number series they will use. IFS Applications has several predefined function groups. When a new company is created, the system automatically creates function groups, voucher types, and voucher number series. The user group AC is linked to all voucher number series, except for voucher type YE - Year End Accounting. The user group YE is linked to the voucher number series for voucher type YE.

Activity Diagrams

Modify Voucher Type Information


Define Voucher Types