External File Assistant

[To Define Financials Basics]


Use this wizard to start the processing of input or output text files. An external file handled in this wizard can be an automatic currency update input/output file, an external voucher input/output file, an external customer invoice input/output file, or an external supplier invoice input/output file. This wizard is differently titled for different purposes (i.e. to handle different types of external files). For example, when the wizard is titled External Customer Invoice Assistant, it can only be used to load an external customer invoice file. However, when the title of the wizard is External File Assistant, it can be used to handle any type of external file in IFS Applications.

The processing mode is either Online or Batch.    

Note:  An external file type and an external file template must have already been defined before executing the wizard.

Select the mode of processing:

Once the processing mode has been selected, simply perform each step in the wizard.

Activity Diagrams

Process External Input File
Create External Output File
External Customer Invoices
External Supplier Invoices
Handle File External Voucher Transactions
Modify Currency Information


Process External Input File via Wizard
Create External Output File via Wizard